Thursday, April 14, 2011

A world without TV?!

"If we could unplug all the TV sets in America, our children would grow up to be healthier, better eduacted, and more independent human beings."

           I disagree with this statement. Claiming that TVs are causing humans to be unhealthy or uneducated is like claiming that pencils, not humans, misspell words. People that agree with the statement generally argue that without TVs, kids would spend more time doing physical activities or studying. If given the opportunity, people are generally lazy with or without a TV. Let's say you have two kids, Johnny and Billy. Johnny love’s basketball but Billy loves TV. Just because you take away Billy’s TV doesn't mean he's going to start shooting hoops with Johnny. He'll more than likely find another non-physical activity to keep himself entertained. I also don't feel TV is hampering our education. I personally, have learned a great deal from programs on TV. Growing up, I watched nothing but History Channel, Discovery, National Geographic, and other documentaries. Almost every day I use some bit of knowledge I acquired from these. The last claim that we'll be "more independent" is completely irrelevant. For that to be a possibility, people who watch TV would have to be considered dependent, which doesn't make sense.

1 comment:

  1. It is great that you have used television as a tool for learning, but there are many children who spend far too much time watching programming that has no educational value at all. Good blog.
