Friday, April 22, 2011

Making Stuff Work - Mechanical Engineering

 My major is mechanical engineering. I choose this major mainly to aid me in my goal of becoming a U.S. Air Force pilot. Having a engineering degree will help me out for two reasons. The first reason is being selected for field training, and the second is being selected for flight school. Field training is a month long boot camp you go to during the summer between your sophomore and junior year. The selection rate for field training is less than 50% with 80% of those selected having technical degrees. Being a mechanical engineer major improves my chances of being selected drastically. You can become a pilot with any degree, but they generally will select those with technical degrees over those with non-tech. The other reason I choose this major is because I enjoy it. Growing up I would always take things apart just to see how they worked or how I could improve them. I enjoy being presented with a problem and having to design something to make it work properly. Engineers are also one of the most vital components of society. They design everything from the keyboard I'm typing this on, to the world’s largest structures. I'm suited for this type of employment because I am very good at designing things, constructing them, and fixing them. I have a very wide range of knowledge on how things work. If I'm not sure on how something works, I will take it apart. 

Even though Mechanical Engineering is my degree, I will most likely never use it as employment. If I am selected for pilot training, I will be a pilot, not an engineer. Once I graduate I will hopefully receive my commission as a 2nd LT. Officers get to fill out a base request form in which they submit the top 3 places where they want to be stationed. I'm requesting to be sent to Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany to join the 52nd Fighter Wing. The 52nd Fighter Wing operates the A10 Thunderbolt II.

1 comment:

  1. Fighter pilot, nice choice. It was a childhood dream of mine. What could be more fun than blowing stuff up, right? Best of luck to you, and good post.
