Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Going to WSU

I wouldn't really say I choose to go to Wright State University; it was more of a last minute decision to go to college. I needed to get in school and due to the time frame I had to work with, it was one of my only options. With that said, I've found that there are both good and bad things about attending WSU. I've lived in Beavercreek since I was born, so Wright State has always been kinda part of my life; I never really thought that I'd end up going here though. After high school I had planned on doing underwater welding in the Gulf of Mexico. I then realized that that wasn't something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. In August after my senior year of high school, I decided that I wanted to fly jets in the U.S. Air Force. To be a pilot in the military, you must be an officer; which meant I had to get in school. I enrolled in WSU which was one of the only schools I could get into on such short notice. If it were up to me, I'd be a student at Ohio State University, Miami (Ohio), or Ohio University. Wright State is an OK school, but it's not the type of school I wanted to attend, or have on my resume. I'm in my third quarter now and coming up on having a year of college done with. I have thought about transferring to Ohio State mainly due to their Engineering program but I'm not sure yet. Wright State is 10 minutes from home, tuition is cheap, and I have enjoyed my time with friends in the AFROTC program. I also have an excellent job that I love here. If I were to transfer I'd lose that. Reasons I want to attend a school like Ohio State are because it's a credible school, I'd be away from home but still close enough to drive back if I needed too, and it provides more of a college atmosphere. Wright State feels like high school, parking is horrible, and there's no division football team. I'll decide after next year whether or not I complete my degree here.

1 comment:

  1. This may not have been your first choice, but WSU is an excellent college. Be careful what you put in writing and publish on the Internet, especially when you do not know who will see what you've written.
