Monday, May 23, 2011


WEEK 7 Blog

Below is a picture I took of WSU while
flying around a few months ago.
         Everyone has their hobbies and passions. My hobby, passion, and soon to be career, is flying. To me, there is no other feeling on earth like it. When you're just cruising around at 3,000 ft it seems that nothing else matters. It's extremely peaceful and humbling. I began flying in January of 2010 when I got a job with the fixed base operator at the Greene County Airport. A fixed base operator is a business on an airport that sells fuel, charts, and pilot supplies. They also provide flight training, ground school, hangars, aircraft rentals, and anything a pilot would need. It's been the best job I've ever had and very few people get paid for doing something they love. Since I was hired, I've flown over 13 different aircraft but most my flight time is in a Cessna 172. I try to fly at least once a week and hope to have around 400 hours by the time I graduate. The more hours and ratings you achieve, the more appealing you are to the air force.

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